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But they are very imprecise and take considerable effort to update. Which is exactly why I don’t use them, saving my two fingers to stuff my face with a stream of Spanish tapas, all the wine ever, and roasted suckling pigs. This new tiny tooth-mounted 2 x 2 millimeter sensor can change that one day–the keeping track part, I mean, not the face stuffing. [Photo: Fio Omenetto, Ph.D./Tufts University] The device–developed by a team of researchers at the Tufts University School of Engineering –is capable of detecting salt, glucose, and alcohol. Right now, the research team believes that the tooth sensor is going to be helpful for medical studies and to help with the healthcare of certain patients. The flexible sensor can be applied to your teeth with an adhesive. It is made of two square-shaped layers of gold that sandwich a central bioresponsive layer. This layer reacts to those substances while the gold layers act as antennas. A mobile device equipped with a radiofrequency emitter sends a signal that is received by the sensor. Depending on what you’ve been eating, the sensor absorbs part of the signal and reflects the rest back to the mobile device. The sensor could have important implications for healthcare and medical research.
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