Some Emerging Opportunities In Convenient Plans

“It hit home that this is a really poor third-world country. Everything is very bare-bones.” Also troubling is how every housing unit came with one official spy — usually a middle-aged or elderly woman — called the inminbanjang, whose job is to know everything about her residents and report back to the government. “Her job is to ‘heighten revolutionary vigilance,’ as one propaganda poster has it,” Jeppesen writes in the book. “[She keeps] a watchful eye over the comings and goings of her assigned unit, down to the smallest detail. A good inminbanjang knows exactly how many spoons and chopsticks are in each family’s kitchen and can spill that information on cue if the need should arise. The inminbanjang is, in a sense, the nosy neighbour elevated to the status of official position.” Which is not to say the inminbanjang are always strict. Many let certain rules slide, such as the elderly woman Jeppesen met who was “known to rent out her second room as an hourly love hotel for extra income.” This is just one example of how life is becoming slightly less regimented for North Koreans. While virtually all citizens wore uniforms until recently, there is now a freer sense of fashion. Men wear “short-sleeve shirts of all colours and designs,” with Rolexes adorning their wrists for status (even if most are fakes from China).
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.news.com.au/travel/world-travel/asia/inside-my-haunting-time-as-the-first-american-to-study-in-north-korea/news-story/b252046327ab34d4f6745f8dc8e08595
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