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Esmark has assumed all costs to produce and distribute the decals, which are available while supplies last. The decal can be prominently displayed on hockey helmets, sticks, pucks, cars, etc. across the U.S. and Canada. The decals are now available to the public, free of charge. “Nothing has shown the strength and depth of hockey family than the world’s response to the devastating Humboldt Broncos accident. To see people come together to support these families is truly amazing,” said James P. Bouchard, Founder & Chairman, Esmark, Inc. “With these decals, our goal is to have them prominently displayed on hockey helmets, equipment, bags, cars and simply everywhere across the U.S. and Canada, ensuring that Humboldt continues to be honored and supported.” Esmark has sent bulk shipments of sticker decals to most major hockey organizations across the U.S. and Canada.
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